One Time…,

Here it starts.

Another year.

Ready to begin the begin.

First things first.

My wish list for 2018.

Peace, love, health and happiness to all.

End the needless pain and suffering so many people around the world endure.

Everyone join hands and come together as one.

Let’s end hunger.

Let’s end homelessness.

Let’s provide health care to all.

Am I asking for too much?

One Time…,

One Time…,

I want to thank those who have ordered More Lies and appreciate the kind words.

You have no idea how appreciative I am of your support.

Also, there have been some readers with keen eyes who have helped correct some grammar and spelling booboos.

Special thanks to Mitch who is  a great guy and a great editor!

One Time…,

Today it starts.

More Lies

Now in print on Amazon.

A Good Sin is close.

Thanks to those who have sent their love.

Your kind words mean more than you’ll ever know.

I want to thank my co-conspirator Brenda.

You designed the best book cover and jacket ever!

One Time…,

Think of the Carpenters.

We’ve Only Just Begun

One Time…,

One Time…,

A month away to the election day.

If last nights debate doesn’t seal it for Hillary then there is something so dramatically wrong with the way i see the world.

Dare I say it but I hope she trounces him.

Not just beats the guy but levels a knockout in every state.

Wouldn’t that be sweet if he doesn’t win a state…,

One Time…,

I’m still get to my knees every day.

And night.

Gratitude, love, forgiveness.

That’s all there really is.

God only knows there is no one more imperfect than me but I am trying.

One Time…,

One Time…,

I must be hallucinating.

President Enrique Pena of Mexico has invited Donald Trump for a private visit.


The Republican candidate for president accepted.

Hillary received an invite as well but hasn’t commented.

I’m sure she is reeling with what is going on with her close confidant and aide, Huma Abedin.

Ms. Abedin, if don’t know, just separated from her sexting husband Anthony Weiner, a former Congressman who can’t seem to keep himself away from womanizing.


One Time…,

I’m going to admit it now.

I am worried about the upcoming election.

The thought of Mr. Trump as our president is more than disconcerting.

It is scary!

One Time…,

One Time…,

Received a phone call last night from a dear friend letting me know that our mutual buddy from thirty-five years ago was found dead in his home at fifty-six years of age.

Heartbreak city.

Cause of death unknown as of this writing.

I’ll be at the funeral Friday but I’m telling one and all right now that we must live in the moment.

There is nothing else.

Love as much as you can.

Forgive as much as you can.